“In many shamanic societies, if you came to a shaman and complained about being discouraged or depressed, he would ask one of four questions:
When did you stop dancing?
When did you stop singing?
When did you stop being enchanted by stories?
When did you stop finding comfort in the sweet territory of silence? ”
> in “Maps to Ecstasy” by Gabrielle Roth
Videos from the latest summer editions:

6 days dancing, singing, connecting, awakening.
We are organizing this great Gathering again for the 11th time, this time in July, and with a very special theme (see below).
In a magical place with a large forest, saltwater pool, a huge lake 1 km away, a 500m2 dance temple and an incredible group of facilitators, musicians, artists and therapists!

We will be more than 150 special beings, together for 6 days in this magical place!
A ritualized gathering, where we will dance a lot, express what is inside, in deep connection with ourselves, with others and with nature!
Free of additives (alcohol, drugs) where our infinite energy is revealed naturally!!
A summer celebration ritual, from which we will leave refreshed, light and in peace.


Clica em cada nome/ organização para saberes mais:
Organized by Virgílio Beatriz, with very experienced facilitators and the largest regular Ecstatic Dance organizations in Portugal.
> Virgílio Beatriz: “Host”, Facilitator and Musician – Ecstatic Dance & Voice Portugal; Nós Voz mantras. In this gathering >> 1 Ecstatic Dance session + 2 Mantras & Medicine Songs sessions + 2 Rituals + General Host.
> Cristiano Martins: Facilitator – Biodanza Portugal; In this gathering >> 1 Biodanza session.
> Rute Novais: Facilitator & DJ- Ecstatic Dance Lisboa & Sintra. In this gathering >> 1 Vision Dance session.
> Momo: Facilitator & Musician – Ecstatic Dance; Coração de Cacau; In this gathering >> 1 Cacau ceremony + 1 Sound Healing session.
> Marta Carvalho: Facilitator & Artist. In this gathering >> 1 Ecstatic Art session.
> Mushina: DJ & Producer; In this gathering >> 1 Sunset Party.
> Edgar Valente: Músician & Facilitator – “Criatura”; “Coro dos Anjos”; “Bandua”; In this gathering >> 1 Special concert.
> Tik Tek: (Junior & Tiago Rouxinol) – Ecstatic Dance Lagos – Facilitators, Musicians, & Producers; In this gathering >> 1 Ecstatic Dance Session.
> Gingaí: DJ & Producer – Ecstatic Dance Ericeira; In this gathering >> 1 Ecstatic Dance session.
> Lina Lahlou: Facilitator – House of The Rising Mojo; Yoga; Mantras. In this gathering >> 1 Yoga session + Guest Musician.
> Joaquin del Mojo: Facilitator & Dj – House of The Rising Mojo; Ecstatic Dance; Musician. In this gathering >> 1 Ecstatic Dance session + Guest Musician.
> Rute Caldeira: Facilitator. In this gathering >> 1 Yoga session + 1 Meditation.
> Rui Sebök Bizarro: Facilitador. In this gathering >> 1 Meditation.
> Meta_: Música. In this gathering >> 1 Special concert.
> Vanessa Spencer: Música. In this gathering >> 1 Special concert.
> Mariana Travassos: Musician (Nós Voz Mantras) & Psychotherapist. In this gathering >> Musician: Guitar & Percussion ind different moments.
> Taban: Musician & DJ – Samadhi Ritual Algarve. In this gathering >> Musician: Percussion and more magics.
> Sabino Soares: Facilitator & DJ – Ecstatic Dance Algarve. In this gathering >> 1 Meditation.
> B File: Facilitator & DJ – Ecstatic Dance Coimbra. In this gathering >> 1 “Pool Chill Set”.
> Lily Nanda: Facilitator & Musician. In this gathering >>1 Yoga session + Guest Musician.
> Joana Guardiã: Facilitator – Ecstatic Dance Porto – In this gathering >> Altars caretaker.
> Javier Karuá: Musician & Teacher – In this gathering >> Musician & Violin Master.
Patrícia Herdeira & Joana Magno (Ecstatic Kids); Eva Lotz (Art & Live painting); Miguel Gandara (Astrólogo) ; Flávia Mel (Pinha) (Crystalline Waters); Pedro Esteves (Photo) ; Daniela Gandra (Video) ; Mário Nobre (Fotografia & Video) | Therapists: Julyana Galietti, Sofia Braz, Inês Sena, Jana Toepfer, Helena Leonardo, Filomena Pascoal, Inês Serôdio, Hugo Garcia, Marta Marto, Manuela Ruas, Jana Toepfer, Amanda Abilas, Catarina Monteiro, Mariana Fernandes.
> Tiago Bento (coordination & production); Mónica Barbosa (registration and communication); Bruno Carvalho (production & structures); Sofia Frutuoso (communication & production); Filipa Rosa (communication & production); Raquel Vidal (production); Ricardo Vieira da Silva (sound technician); Production support: Carolina Higgs, Filipe Patrocínio and Hugo Garcia.
>> Present Organizations: Ecstatic Dance & Voice Portugal, Ecstatic Lisboa, Sintra, Porto, Coimbra, Ericeira, Algarve, House of the Rising Mojo, Coração de Cacau, Mushina, Tik Tek, Nós Voz and O Pequeno Buda.

: : from Friday (12 JUL) at 2:00 pm until Monday (15 JUL) at 6:00 pm : :
+ more 2 Extra days of “Fade Out” with programa (16 & 17 JUL)
* You can choose 3 or 5 nights : )
28 Special Moments!
We will have the following times:
4 Ecstatic Dance, 1 Cacau Ceremony, 1 Vision Dance, 1 Sunset Party, 1 Biodanza, 1 Ecstatic Playground, 1 Drum Circle, 3 Rituals, 2 Mantras & Medicine Songs, 2 Special Concerts, 1 Sound Healing, 3 Meditations, 1 colective Massage session, 3 Yoga sessions, 1 personalized analyses of Astral chart and 1 Lake ceremony : )
+ Ecstatic Kids space with activities for children and parents
+ Therapies/emotional support space + Silence Space + “Chill Out” Space + Artistic interventions + “Chill Pool Sets” + Jam Tree + Silent Disco (phones for dancing in the forest)
We are inspired by the 1980 book “The Portuguese Mystic Triangle”, we transcribe the summary:
“contrary to what happens in the so-called “Bermuda Triangle”, the scene of countless disappearances, there is a triangle of apparitions in Portugal: The Portuguese Mystical Triangle – Tomar, Fátima and Ladeira do Pinheiro. Everything that is important for Portugal happens between these three vertices… and perhaps for the entire world.”
The theme will be the Apparition; the inner and outer revelations that allow us to delve deeper within ourselves and higher into existence.
This discovery will guide our gathering in workshops, concepts and artistic interventions.
Many revelations will happen these days in Tomar : )

Quinta São José dos Montes (Tomar):
One of the most emblematic retreat centers in Portugal, 150 km north from Lisbon.
With a large forest, saltwater pool, a huge lake (1 km away) and a 500m2 Dance Temple that is being created for us.
This retreat center, in addition to have a large area and plenty of sleeping capacity, is well known for its incredible vegetarian meals.

How to get here?
If you put on Maps/Waze: “Quinta São José dos Montes” the location appears immediately.
We will create a group for carpooling > this way we save on the environment and money – this is the most used option in the latest gatherings 🙂

There is a price for the ticket and another for Accommodation + Meals.
- 1st Phase – 195€ – Sold out
- 2nd Phase – 245€ – Sold out
- 3rd Phase – 285€– Sold out
- 4th Phase – 335€– Sold out
>> Waiting List is Open – click on registration below (there are some cancellations, so we will replace them soon)
The Ticket Includes:
- Gathering of 4 days and 3 nights + 2 days and 2 nights of “Fade Out” (with program)
- 28 Workshops/ Group sessions
- Personalized astrological chart analysis linked to the theme
- Use of pool, lake and all spaces
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12-15 OF JULY:
(Includes 3 nights / 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches and 3 dinners)
Per person:
- Tent*: 204€
- Caravan/van*: 204€
- Dormitory: 234€
- Yurt or Bell Tent (double): 264€
- Double Room: 264€
- Double Room with private bathroom: 294€
- Double Dome with private bathroom: 294€
12-17 OF JULY:
(Includes 5 nights / 5 breakfasts, 5 lunches and 5 dinners)
Per person:
- Tent*: 340€
- Caravan/van*: 340€
- Dormitory: 390€
- Yurt ou Bell Tent (double): 440€
- Double Room: 440€
- Double Room with private bathroom: 490€
- Double Dome with private bathroom: 490€
*Prices for own tent and own caravan/van.
// The ticket price is the same for both days options.
+ detailed information about accommodation > click here!
+ More info about Ecstatic Kids > click here!
>> If you want to be part of Ecstatic Market, click here: https://bit.ly/ecstaticmarket
Important notes:
> The minimum presence in this gathering is 4 days and 3 nights, less is not possible, so that we can enter in that special energy : )
> Registration is only confirmed after completing the registration form (see below) and paying the full amount or, at least, 50% of the ticket value.
> Here you can read the cancellation policy: https://bit.ly/ENYG-cancel
> If you want to guarantee your place, sign up now, as we always sold out.
** There will be translation in English and the workshops are in Portuguese and English : )

If you have any questions, send an email to: ecstaticdanceandvoiceportugal@gmail.com
+ Info/ Instagram/ Agenda: linktr.ee/ecstaticdanceandvoiceportugal