Virgílio Beatriz
“There is a language that goes beyond words.”
Paulo Coelho
Graduated in Communication, he started to become interested and to work very early in the area of human development.
Some milestones of his path since 2006:
We Create (Personal Development and International Coach Certification); European Union Programs (Creative Leadership Mechanisms); Injoy (Shamanic and Osho retreats); Inkiri Piracanga Community – Brazil (Self Discovery Retreats); Ahmed Abdelhak El Kaab (Sufi Master); Sandra Battaglia (Connection Dance);
Other tools and experiences he went through: Organizational and family constellations, Jungian Studies, Active meditation (dance and voice), Yoga, Chi Kung, Astrology, Sufism Initiation, Neuro linguistic programming, among other experiences and knowledge.
He was founder and trainer at ZOOM Talentos (a reference NGO in Portugal in the area of human development in Schools 2010 – 2017).
Today his main focus is to help people discover its essence and create spaces for that to happen.
For each Retreat / Session / Experience, it is supported by a multidisciplinary team according to the needs of each moment (coaches, astrologers, psychologists, trainers, musicians, masters, therapists and other beings that help in the process of each one).
Since 2009, it has facilitated more than 300 courses / retreats in the areas of human development, for about 15,000 people, mainly in Portugal, but also in Brazil, India and the Czech Republic.
He is the driving force behind the Ecstatic Dance movement in Portugal, where he has helped more than 15 organizations to start their regular sessions.
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